zaterdag 15 september 2012

next project.conversion

So here my next project.
Formy army i need some blooddragon knights. 
But why are those unit so emensly expencive???

So i looked in my bit box + a unit of chaos knights and here is what i produced!


So my birthsday was up in july
and look what i've got!


So my next project.

Skinwolf event only from forgeworld
This is a true epic model.

woensdag 12 september 2012

zaterdag 16 juni 2012

zaterdag 17 maart 2012

The Terrorgheist

Here the finished terrorgheist
This terrorgheist whas a real terror painting. But the end is ..............

The ghoulking i'm proud of him

                                            A little customising, my own interpratation

                                              End he's fantastic dont you agree